
This last weekend I awoke early, brewed some coffee, showered and headed on my way to the 4th annual Tenkara Summit. I got to meet several faces I had only seen on Facebook and see some old faces I already knew. This was a time for Tenkara anglers to do a psychotic version of speed dating whilst stopping by vendor booths, learn from presentations, and watch some live kebari fly tying! It really was a treat. Being held in Boulder, CO this year was wonderful for me personally because it's 40 minutes away from my house. 

Daniel Galhardo, founder of Tenkara USA, hosted the event and began with some opening remarks of the state of Tenkara. A generally positive report! Tenkara is growing beyond what most have thought. Why wouldn't it? It's Tenkara! I appreciated his statements about how he enjoys not being the only one in the industry with a presence. It showed maturity to acknowledge competitors with grace. 

The main guest was Dr. Hisao Ishigaki, who gave a slide show presentation on Tenkara and also some kebari tying!

Here are some other familiar faces you might recognize tying some kebari!

Jason Klass from Tenkara Talk!

Joe Egry of Dragon-FlyFishing!

And Graham Moran of Tenkara Grasshopper!

One of my favorite vendor booths was Richard Kolodny's bamboo rod cases and stands for sale and on display. If you've seen them on the internet, they don't compare to holding one in person! They're impresive!

Like I said, impressive! 

There was also some Tenkara artwork on display and for sale from Jeremy Shellhorn.

Various fly shops, mountaineering shops, Zimmerbuilt, and other vendors were present. 

The Tenkara Summit 2014 was a blast! I even was able to go hiking and fishing with a group of Tenkara Outlaws the day after at a high mountain lake. For those of you who didn't get to attend I hope you are able to make it to the upcoming Tenkara Jam, October 11-12. 


  1. Great fun and a great synopsis!

  2. Thanks Karin! It was fun! Hope you guys have a blast at the Jam!


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